If it's confusing for authors, imagine what it can be like for a reader. There is the basic decision assistance tool--the library. But they may not have a copy (paper or ebook) when you want it or it may be a book you want to buy. If you buy books to keep forever, hardbacks or paperbacks are often the choice. As one who moves a lot, I lean toward ebooks when I buy. When I want to hold paper, I go to the library, which is often.
I have a Kindle Fire and a Nook HD, so there is an additional choice of the format for ebooks I buy. The Kindle is smaller, but the Nook HD (for all its larger size) is much lighter and the on-screen keyboard is larger. That's important when I travel and want to access the Internet on my ereader. However, I sell way more books on Kindle than Nook, so I usually buy more for the Kindle.

Readers seem less aware of Smashwords than authors are. Smashwords loads books to all sites except Amazon. However, they format books in a mobi file (for Kindle), so you can buy books for Kindle there. Smashwords is a way to put my books on itunes (iPad, iPod) and smaller sales sites, such as Kobo or Sony. I load them to Amazon and Barnes and Noble myself. An author earns more and is paid faster by selling directly through a site. Still, I bow to Smashwords. What a concept.
I have recently learned that Amazon's Kindle Boards creates a page for each of your books, and that page has a link to all of the Amazon sites. That means a reader can go to one spot to link to a book in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Germany, Mexico, and on and on. This has become an important marketing tool for me.
Appraisal for Murder http://www.kboards.com/book/?asin=B005PJM8WO
Rekindling Motives http://www.kboards.com/book/?asin=B0063MTJME
When the Carny Comes to Town http://www.kboards.com/book/?asin=B0079SJC78
Any Port in a Storm http://www.kboards.com/book/?asin=B0098CF7RC
Trouble on the Doorstep http://www.kboards.com/book/?asin=B00BXQE5OW
Behind the Walls http://www.kboards.com/book/?asin=B00GWDZ7DE
Jolie & Scoobie HS Misadventures
Ocean Alley Adventures http://www.kboards.com/book/?asin=B00DLLCR60
Secrets of the Gap http://www.kboards.com/book/?asin=1468033581
Searching for Secrets http://www.kboards.com/book/?asin=B00332EWMY
Biding Time http://www.kboards.com/book/?asin=B004HB23XK
Orr, Campbell, Shirley [and more] history http://www.kboards.com/book/?asin=1490986030
You can see a pattern in the web addresses. The only variation is the book's unique Amazon number (the ASIN number). It's worth becoming a KB Boards member just to be able to do this. There are also a number of options for interacting with other writers and readers, and a couple of boards for promoting books.
There is an element of choice is the KB Boards' profile for your book. The profile can also list other places to buy the book besides Amazon. Those links you have to list yourself. There are decent instructions in the help menus, or you can post a question on one of the boards.
I do maintain my own comprehensive list of where to buy my books, and that's on this blog, on the tab entitled Links to All My Books. It helps me keep track as much as it helps readers.
The most passive way I market to all sites that sell the books is via Twitter. A tweet can contain one link, and it can be to any site. You target the tweet with a hashtag such as #nook, #kindlebooks, #kobo, #smashwords. Or any of thousand other choices. The link in the tweet simply has to coordinate with the hashtag.

In February I'll do my first radio interview with a station in Osage Beach, Missouri. Why? Although I don't live in that state I have Missouri family links and belong to an author's group in Lawrence County. That may help a new group of readers find my books.
It's an author's job to make it easy for readers to find their books. It's also important to keep writing new books, and marketing takes away from that. Gee, a balancing act. That's what makes all aspects of life manageable.
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