Sunday, May 23, 2021

Working in Spurts

Ideally, I've developed ideas for whatever I'm writing and work consistently. For years, especially toward the end of a novel, my tenacity surprised even me. 

With the many changes wrought  by the pandemic and my aging fingers, I find it harder to sit still for an hour or  two at a time. Actually, sitting is fine. The fingers protest.

Yes, there is dictation. That's fine when I'm home alone, but doesn't work in a library or coffee shop. While I do it at times, it isn't as rewarding as ideas flowing from my brain to the screen in what, for me, is a more seamless process.

I've graduated to writing in spurts. I'll work for half-an-hour and then walk around with an icepack on my fingers. Occasionally I sit still to listen to the radio or watch a few minutes of TV, but walking is better. I do think as I walk and occasionally jot notes. However, too much writing by hand defeats the purpose of taking a finger break.

This past Saturday I had my second writing date at the library since March 2020. Bliss. Plus, when I need a break, I can wander the shelves.

Bottom line, I need some new productivity techniques that don't involve snacking. Many people have jobs in which they work in spurts and maintain concentration. I'm open to suggestions.

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  1. Elaine, I can't sit at the computer much longer than an hour without getting up. Some things I do for about 10-20 minutes: stretches, make a telephone call, read a short story or article (!), fill pill box (Mondays), walk around the house for ten minutes, fingers and toes care. wipe down kitchen and bathroom counters. Hope this helps!

  2. Ha, yes, the writerly snacking urge... :-)
