Sunday, May 28, 2017

A Turning Point with a Twist

The Unexpected Resolution, tenth in the Jolie Gentil cozy mystery series, took a while to write. I wanted the characters to take their lives in a different direction, and that took some planning.

Along the way, as often happens in my books, the direction shifted. I don't outline my books, though I do start with a premise and a few major plot points. Then I jot ideas as I go.

Eventually, I get to a pause point. Some authors call it the muddled middle. I think of it as a fork in the writing road. I'll deliberately have a character ask a seemingly unanswerable question or get on a train (or in a car) without a certain destination.

While the character hangs in abeyance, my brain keeps working. In The Unexpected Resolution, a key character asks,“When Dad and me didn’t make it to the wedding, why didn’t you look for us?” I did know the answer to that question. The issue was how the groom would respond. There were several possibilities, and each would take a new relationship in a different direction. After a week or so, I picked the response I thought worked best.

Several longtime readers have asked if this will be the last book in the series. In a word (okay, two),  no way! In fact, at the end of "The Unexpected Resolution" you'll find the opening to book 11. (If you want to catch up on earlier books, visit

The Unexpected Resolution is available to order on Amazon, with a release date of July 25th.
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 Check out Elaine's web page, sign up for her classes, or receive her newsletter.


  1. Elaine, I love learning about other writers' processes. I basically do what you do when I get about a third of the way through the first draft. It's a huge relief when the decision is made about what to do next! Looking forward to your latest!

  2. Thanks! I keep thinking someday I'll learn to plot a book before I write, but half the fun is making it up as I go!
